Document Downloads


2024 Nairobi Declaration on AFSH-AP


Soil Initiative for Africa(SIA) Framework

Africa Fert

Africa Fertilizer and Soil Health Action Plan

 AFSH Action Plan Summit Presentation

The Nairobi Declaration

The Nairobi Declaration

Soil is the heart of agriculture throughout the world. It is defined as the unconsolidated min-eral and organic materials that covers the earth surface. It is the central anchor for plants and the source and sink of plant nutrients.


Soil Initiative for Africa PPT at AFSH Summit


A Soil Initiative for Africa

In September 2020, at the Alliance for a Green Revolution for Africa’s (AGRA) African Green Revolution Forum (AGRF), the African Union Commission (AUC) issued a call to create a Soil Initiative for Africa (SIA) as an ambitious effort to improve the condition of the Continent’s soils.


Developing a Soil Initiative for Africa

A joint Declaration by African Development Bank, Bill &
Melinda Gates Foundation, Government of Canada,
European Commission, French Republic, …A joint Declaration by African Development Bank, Bill &
Melinda Gates Foundation, Government of Canada, ….

A Special Thanks to Our Donors
